IT Operations Management

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Near real-time event management to improve availability and resiliency
IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus delivers near real-time, consolidated event management across business infrastructure, data centers, complex networks and IT domains. The software provides full management and automation to help you deliver continuous uptime of business services and applications.
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus provides near real-time service assurance for business infrastructure, applications, servers, network devices and protocols, Internet protocols, storage and security devices.
Helps increase efficiency and speed problem resolution by consolidating network and IT operations in a single management solution.
Combines scalability with a flexible architecture to help scale from small to large environments, with more than a 100 million events per day across multiple networks, IT silos and geographies.
Helps enable quick resolution by allowing operators to run automated resolution scripts against recurring, predictable problems.
Helps address the most critical problems, and automates isolation and resolution by using customizable lightweight agents to collect business and technology events in near real time.
Integrates with application performance management solutions so you can proactively measure user experiences and performance across applications.
MegaSoft BSM Solutions
To maximize the value of your assets, you need a robust set of enterprise capabilities designed to meet the demanding needs of asset intensive organizations that need to continuously monitor their infrastructure and network events. MegaSoft Business Service Management (BSM) Solution based on IBM NOI can help you.
For Enquires, please Contact
Eng. Zeyad ElSherif
Head of Business Service Management
Mob KSA: +966(54) 712 39 49
Mob EG: +2(010) 64 125 125
Tel: +202 22916581/7

MegaSoft is a Premier IBM Business Partner in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
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