App Monitoring and Performance Management​

IBM Application Performance Management
What is APM?
Application performance management (APM) is the practice of detecting and addressing software application issues, so that end users have a quality experience. As applications and platforms have deepened in complexity, the need for APM solutions has become more crucial. The solutions monitor and manage application performance, availability and security throughout the application lifecycle by measuring the response times of users, application components and specific transactions.
MegaSoft BSM Solutions
To maximize the value of your assets, you need a robust set of enterprise capabilities designed to meet the demanding needs of asset intensive organizations that need to keep their infrastructure and applications at peak performance. MegaSoft Business Service Management (BSM) Solution based on IBM APM can help you.

For Enquires, please Contact
Eng. Zeyad ElSherif
Head of Business Service Management
Mob KSA: +966(54) 712 39 49
Mob EG: +2(010) 64 125 125
Tel: +202 22916581/7
The need for a cohesive APM strategy
A poor user experience translates into lost revenue, making an end-to-end APM strategy more important than ever. But monitoring and managing business applications have become more challenging with the advent of hybrid cloud, mobile technology and agile development. Monitor these various technologies separately, and you risk missing critical application issues.
Predictive analytics
Keep users happy by identifying and addressing potential application issues before they impact customers.
Automated fixes
Reduce user dissatisfaction by addressing—and resolving—an issue more quickly.
Customizable dashboards
Enable visibility into all monitoring data, so IT support teams can collaborate and see information contextually.
More reliable apps, fewer headaches
A proactive application performance management strategy improves application quality and stability, accelerates release cycles and reduces costs. It also simplifies monitoring and management throughout the application lifecycle, regardless of the platform. A proactive application performance management strategy includes:
Point-in-time visibility into your infrastructure
Gain full visibility: Get a clear view into where an issue originated, so you can resolve it more quickly, reducing operational costs.
End-user experience monitoring across diverse platforms
Keep an eye out: Wherever your apps reside, you can identify issues before they impact your users.
Robust tracking and diagnostics
Gain context: Detailed information about application problems provides contextual information, which helps business or regulatory compliance.
Process automation
Increase agility: Reduce hands-on management with automation, and your applications become more agile. You also reduce risks, shorten operational roll-outs and accelerate scaling.
Understand issues: Insight into potential issues helps reduce outages and improve business performance.
IBM Application Performance Management
IBM Application Performance Management provides visibility, control and automation of your mission-critical applications. For most of your environments, our solutions help you find the root cause of your application issues more quickly and remediate the problem.
Integrated capabilities cover five key areas:
End-user experience
Transaction tracking
Enterprise diagnostics
MegaSoft is a Gold IBM Business Partner in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
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