Maximo Asset Management
IBM® Maximo® - A Comprehensive Solution for Managing Physical Assets
An IBM® Maximo® Enterprise Asset Management implemented at NBU by Megasoft
معالي مدير جامعة الحدود الشمالية بالمملكة العربية السعودية أ.د. محمد بن يحيى الشهري يدشن نظام (مرافق)، وهو نظام إلكتروني يهدف لإدارة أعمال التشغيل والصيانة والخدمات العامة بكافة مرافق الجامعة
MegaSoft BSM Solutions
To maximize the value of your assets, you need a robust set of enterprise capabilities designed to meet the demanding needs of asset intensive organizations that need to keep their plant or facility at peak performance. MegaSoft Business Service Management (BSM) Solution based on IBM Maximo can help you.
For Enquires, please Contact
Eng. Zeyad ElSherif
Head of Business Service Management
Mob KSA: +966(54) 712 39 49
Mob EG: +2(010) 64 125 125
Tel: +202 22916581/7
MegaSoft is a Gold IBM Business Partner in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
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